command name | format/example | description |
Currency conversion | ;currency [amount] [CODE] to [CODE] ;currency 55 USD to CAD |
Converts value from one currency to another with respect to the current exchange rate. |
Linear unit conversion | ;unit [type] [value] [unit] to [unit] ;unit length 15 in to m |
Converts between common units of measurement Supported units: length: mm, cm, in, ft, yd, m, km, mi mass: mg, g, oz, lb, kg, t area: cm2, in2, ft2, yd2, m2, acre, ha, km2, mi2 volume: cm3, ml, in3, oz_imp, oz_us, l, pt, gal, ft3, m3 |
Temperature conversion | ;temp [value] [unit] to [unit] ;temp 21 C to F |
Converts between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature units |
Time lookup | ;time [location] ;time ottawa |
Lookup the local time in a specific city in the world |
Image to text | ;img (attach image to message) |
Parse text from the given image using Tesseract-OCR |
Dictionary lookup | ;dict [word] ;dict pancakes |
Lookup the definition of a word or phrase from Wiktionary |
Urban Dictionary lookup | ;udict [word] ;udict pineapple |
Lookup the definition of a word or phrase from Urban Dictionary |